Equipping Cultural Influencers with a Christian Worldview


The Perfect Storm: Considering 7 Threats in our Times - Understanding Our Times & the Biblical Path Forward

Dr. Del Tackett, Author of the Truth Project and Engagement Project

Conference – Nov. 8-9th, 2024 (Both Friday night and Saturday morning)

We are asking you to register SOON so that we can plan well!

This is a special Friday Night & Saturday Morning Conference - Friday night from 7pm to 9pm, and concluding Saturday with sessions from 9am to 12:30pm. This conference is in partnership with Big Sky Worldview Forum and Emmanuel Baptist Church.

  • Twenty years ago, there was a weather event where several fronts converged to cause a perfect storm. Del will look at a cultural sequel - 7 threats that are coming at us to threaten America. As Del looks at this, there is a progression, a connection of these issues. He will finish with a charge of what the REMNANT must do. (Psalms 92 – our eyes on the Lord)
  • This is the Step-Wise advancement of the judgement of God! These are the sessions and subjects Dr. Tackett will take us through in the progression of the Perfect Storm we are in the middle of.

Forum: The Perfect Storm: 7 Threats in our Time - Understanding Our Times & the Biblical Path Forward.  Friday Nov. 8, 7pm & Saturday Nov. 9th at 9am

Register and Buy Tickets at: https:www.deltackett.com/live Find the Billings Event.

  • NOTE: You will buy tickets from Dr. Del Tackett’s website listed above. (This is from Truth Encounter Ministries.)
  • You will see a menu of choices under Pricing starting with Individual - $20, Couple - $30, Student - $5 and other additional possibilities for materials.

The Men of Issachar (in Isreal) understood the times they were Living in and knew what to do (I Chron. 12:32).  Now, can WE discern our times and do we know what to do?

The Center Piece to consider:

  • What was the Noble male… what was the Virtuous female?
  • How did we lose them and how did these roles get reversed?
  • What is Malevolent Compassion and how did this militant Feminism arise and become prevalent in American culture?

Our Program (Times will be approximate)

Friday Night

7:00 – 8:00pm The Rise of the Scoffer and the Depraved Mind”- the Regression Process.

  • Three kinds of people – the simple, the fool and the scoffer (Prov. 1:22)
  • The Scoffer - the militant fool that enforces issues.
  • The regression in Romans - “God giving them over to a deprived mind.
  • From Darwin to Dewey to Freud and beyond – the progression.
  • We have a depraved – unqualified mind unable to follow godly logic.
  • Apologetics is based upon a logical mind. How will this change evangelism?

8:10 – 9:00pm “The Rise of Homo Deus (self-deity) there is only one story- MINE!

  • Satan’s first lie – it’s all about you Eve.
  • When a culture loses the larger story of God, there’s only one story MINE.
  • Meo-Christianity – from smorgasbord-Christianity to consumerism to music on Sunday to Ted-Talk teaching – it’s all about ME.

Saturday Morning

9:00 – 10:00am “Ther Loss of the Nobble Male and the Rise of Malevolent Compassion”

  • How have we lost the narrative that male and female are absolutes?
  • The Noble Male: who was he, what are the two engines that drove him and how have we lost him?
  • The Virtuous Female: who was she, what drove her and how have we lost her?
  • How has society lost its protector – and its nurturer?
  • What is Malevolent Compassion, how was it fostered, and what are its consequences?
  • How has the Progressive-Feminist Movements driven this with purpose!
  • How has the role of the State evolved to foster this?
  • How has the church’s silence also supported this?

10:00 – 12:30 Part 4 -7 (time breakdown yet to be delineated.)

“The Consolidation of Massive Earthly Power vs. Godly Social Order”

  • All of this leans upon the deconstruction in the first three sessions.
  • God’s Order: delegate authority to the lowest level to promote flourishing – family, church, labor, state etc. Satan is consolidating power at the top.
  • The 7 horns: State, Entertainment, Pseudoscience, Media, Medicine, Academia, and Labor. All are imposing the demonic worldview.
  • The Harlot is riding on top – orchestrating - these 7 horns.

“The Rise of the Demonic Worldview and National Rift”

  • Does the American church actually believe demonic forces are real?
  • Demonic Critical Theory-Marxism – is the church in denial?
  • This worldview has been germinating in America for a century.
  • “It’s just politics” – NO, its much larger, it’s the clash of worldviews!
  • In this Socialism- family, church, community, and God - would be abolished to bring in STATISM.

“America – Addicted and Soft, Dependent and Lost:”

  • Our flourishing and survival in hard times depends upon our mental health.
  • Four hindrances to our future:
    • 1) Addictions – 1 in 16 Americans have alcohol addictions, 22% of males use illegal drugs, screen time 9 hours a day for teens
    • 2) Softness – we have lost our toughness; we demand government assistances. From paid vacations to paid child care.   
    • 3) Dependence strips us of our incentive to be fruitful.
    • 4) Lost – we have lost sight of the Larger Story.
  • When a people lose sight of the larger story of God, they become rootless and swayed by whatever emotional wind is currently blowing.

“The Attack Upon the Biblical Family”

  • No other institution has been targeted like the Biblical Family.
  • 1-3: No surprise that “male and female” is the war zone today.
  • In Matt. 19:3-5 Jesus reminds us of how marriage and the family is from the beginning. 

Future Big Sky Worldview Forum Events:

  • Dr. Del Tackett (author or the Truth Project) The Perfect Storm: Understanding Our Times & The Biblical Path Forward. Nov. 8-9th, 2024. Register at: https://www.deltackett.com/live and find Billings. or call 406-672-920

Dick Pence - Coordinator 406-672-9207
Email rapence45@gmail.com
Donations to: Big Sky Worldview Forum, c/o Sue Rambur, 5437   Hennessey Road, Billings, MT 59106